FNHS - Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services
FNHS stands for Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services
Here you will find, what does FNHS stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services? Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services can be abbreviated as FNHS What does FNHS stand for? FNHS stands for Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services. What does Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services mean?Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services is an expansion of FNHS
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Alternative definitions of FNHS
- Fargo North High School
- Flint Northern High School
- Flint Northwestern High School
- Forney North High School
- Framingham North High School
View 6 other definitions of FNHS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FPII Fairbridge Project International Inc.
- FYIC Fairbury Youth Involvement Center
- FACETS Fairfax Area Christian Emergency & Transitional Services, Inc.
- FBA/FFVA Fairfax Bar Association/Foundation, Fairfax, VA
- FF:ISR Fairfax Futures: Investing in School Readiness
- FRLTC Fairfax ReLeaf - Trees for the Community
- FSO Fairfax Symphony Orchestra
- FCCF Fairfield County Community Foundation
- FFC Fairhaven Fund of Canada
- FCC Fairhill Community Center
- FPC Fairmount Park Conservancy
- F&AIR Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
- FF Fairway Foundation